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Our Members choose to have an Allotment for a variety of reason

Have Fun - Relax

What tools do I need for a new Allotment Plot?


1.   A Garden Spade.   Best tool for heavy digging.

2.   If you can manage it a Garden Fork as well.  Used for lighter digging, breaking up the earth.

3.   A Hand trowel for filling pots and planting out.

4.   Strong Garden Gloves,  especially if you have Blackberries or Raspberries.

5.   Secateurs if you have any pruning to do.

6.   A Hoe.  Great for quick weeding or breaking up the surface of the soil

7    A rake.  For smoothing out the soil after you have dug or used the hoe.

8.   Some string or twine and a knife or pair of scissiors.

9.   Pots for starting off seeds – You can use lots of old food & drink containers to start with.

10. If you have a grass path, something to cut the grass – Shears, strimmer etc.

11. A Water Can with a removable rose on the end.


Over time you will no doubt acquire some extra tools and equipment.   The list could go on and on Plasters to keep small cuts clean, hand fork, dibber etc etc.   You don’t need to buy expensive tools, but weak poorly made tools that will break or bend in use are not really good value for money.   You can often pick up basic second-hand tools in the Allotment Shop.


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